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Research Director

Vahideh Manshadi

Research Director

Vahideh Manshadi is a Professor of Operations at Yale School of Management, and the Research Director for Operations Research at the new Center for Algorithms, Data, & Market Design at Yale (CADMY).

Her current research focuses on the operations of online and matching platforms, especially those with societal impact, including volunteer crowdsourcing, refugee resettlement, organ allocation, and information (news) platforms. Her research has been recognized by multiple awards across various INFORMS communities, including Auctions and Market Design, Public Sector OR, and Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. At Yale, she teaches the MBA elective “Big Data” and the Ph.D. course “Models of Operations Research and Management.”

Professor Manshadi serves as an associate editor for Management ScienceOperations Research, and Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. She also contributes to the ACM SIGecom, currently serving as the Program Co-Chair of EAAMO ’23, and previously serving as the Track/Area Chair for both EC and EAAMO. She received her Ph.D. in electrical engineering at Stanford University, where she also received MS degrees in statistics and electrical engineering. Before joining Yale, she was a postdoctoral scholar at the MIT Operations Research Center.

Explore Vahideh Manshadi's work